We provide the widest offer of registering domain names on the market.
TLD | Country | Min. years | Registration | Renewal | Transfer |
The prices are final | |||||
.cv | Cabo Verde | 1 | 3 326,98 CVE/year | 3 326,98 CVE/year | 3 326,98 CVE/year |
.com.cv | Cape Verde | 1 | 3 326,98 CVE/year | 3 326,98 CVE/year | 3 326,98 CVE/year |
TLD | Country | Min. years | Registration | Renewal | Transfer |
The prices are final | |||||
.cv | Cabo Verde | 1 | 3 326,98 CVE/year | 3 326,98 CVE/year | 3 326,98 CVE/year |
.com.cv | Cape Verde | 1 | 3 326,98 CVE/year | 3 326,98 CVE/year | 3 326,98 CVE/year |